Where did the two of you meet?
We met at The Off Broadway Theater when he was performing in Quick Wits, their original improv-comedy show.
What was the first thought that went through your head when you first met him?
Wow. He is so cute! Oh he's looking at me! smiles And oh my gosh now he's coming over here - I think he's going to talk to me!!!
Do you remember what he was wearing?
Nope. But I remember one thing I saw him in a lot in those days: his black GAP polo shirt - his uniform for bar-backing at Bricks. And I thought he looked so sexy in black.
Where did you go for your first date?
We had a late dinner at the Applebee's in Taylorsville on Redwood Road. He waited tables there at the time.
Where was the first time you kissed?
I don't remember our first kiss. It was 13 years ago and it's a little fuzzy. I do remember I wouldn't kiss him till I had broken things off with my boyfriend. Yes, I was seeing someone else that night our eyes locked in the lobby of The OBT. And said significant other was out of town so there was waiting involved! But the significant kiss I do remember is the kiss we shared about 5 years ago. After breaking up and going our separate ways almost nine years earlier, I looked him up when I was in town visiting family at easter and we met for coffee. Sitting in his jeep in a parking structure near Starbucks, we kissed just a little. He smelled the same as I remembered and I was smitten all over again.
When was the first time you realized you liked him?
Oh the first time I spent any time talking to him I knew I liked him. He's intelligent and funny and entertaining and inclusive... I liked him right off.
How long did you know him before you became a couple?
Well I guess I only knew him a few days before we started dating but we never really defined it as an exclusive relationship back in '95. Then all those years later we were seeing each other but living in different states so we weren't really a "couple" then either. I guess I would say the Las Vegas trip in Spring of 2004 was the defining moment. We had planned a weekend in Vegas since it was a good half-way point and he had friends going that particular weekend. When I got to his hotel room he pulled me inside and we commenced reunion kissing. At one point when we were pausing for air he just beamed at me and said "I love you." and at that point we decided it was kind of silly to pretend we weren't a madly-in-love-couple any longer. So I guess it was several years.
How did he propose to you?
It was so romantic. I was seriously stressed, dealing with my ex and co-parenting our son. Anthony took me out for a drive the day after Valentines Day I love that part. We ended up in the parking lot at the base of the trail up Mt. Olympus an old make-out spot for us way back in '95. It was quiet, dark, snowing, we got out to look at the lights and he pulled out a ring. It was perfect.
Do you have kids together?
Yep, we've got the toddler-tornado, and we do a pretty damn good job parenting Dante together as well.
Have you ever broken the law together?
Do you trust him?
More than I trust myself
Do you see him as your partner in your future?
What is the best gift he gave you?
It's a toss up between Noah and his patience & understanding. Yes, seriously I am that difficult to deal with!
What is one thing he does that gets on your nerves?
There's really so little... I'm sure he could come up with a long list of character flaws for me actually he should be able to come up with such a list but he probably couldn't (see previous answer), but I can only think of how he bounces his leg all the time. It bugs me when we're at our computers in the loft since it shakes the floor and feels like an earthquake, or if we're sitting next to each other it vibrates me. It's pretty trivial though! lol
Where do you see each other 15 years from now?
15 years from now we'll still be seeing each other in bed quite often. Hehehehehe
What causes the most arguments?
My short temper, hands down.
How long have you been together?
Such a tough question! I guess about five years if we don't count the mad crazy romance right after I graduated, and the 9 years apart in between...
Who Do you Tag?
Oh lets see...
Well Mr. Right of course... And how about my pal Susan if she's got the time in her busy mommy life... and maybe X wants to get personal... I'd love to hear how my sister Melanie met her husband since I wasn't around for it but her blog is private so you can't see it, I know absolutely nothing about NUGO's relationship, being as we're online-only buddies... and last but not least, I like this kind of story since I'm a hopeless romantic so I tag anyone else who reads this & wants to play! :)
hey! why u dragging me into this?! kidding. still waiting on those interview questions [hint] which may or may not be geared towards my relationship [hint, hint] after which you may or may not find out more about my relationship [HINT, HINT, HINT!!]
ReplyDeleteIs that pic really you guys? So pretty!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tag!
So, is your husband an aspiring comedian?
Yep - that's us at our wedding.
ReplyDeleteAnd no, he's not an aspiring comedian... he's a sometimes actor I guess. I still wouldn't call it aspiring really.