To really get into it, sing that title to the tune of Reunited and it Feels So Good
I voted today! Got the boys up (well Noah was up at 6am cranky & sniffly), got us all dressed and fed, piled us all into the car and drove through the snow to the elementary school down the street. Noah isn't feeling well (he has the cold I'm just getting over - poor baby) so that was kind of a nightmare. He was extra cranky and so needed to carry both Beeya (his Bear) AND Ooh-ooh (his monkey) all over with him. Not easy for a 95 pound girl to haul around 25 pounds of puffy-coated baby clutching two stuffed animals! LOL But I did it and I'm pretty excited. My ex-husband would be shocked and mortified to know I voted all democrat this time. Hm, I guess it's no surprise we're not so compatible anymore huh (wow that's the understatement of the year).
I voted for Barak Obama (obviously) and I'm pretty excited now. I also voted to issue bonds to raise funds for Hogle Zoo and Tracey Aviary. I have so many great childhood memories at both those places, and my boys really love going to the zoo. We're regular visitors. :)
Now it's like Christmas Eve... will I get what I want? Have to wait and see... oh the anticipation!!
This is a way cute video of Noah - he's in love with the polar bear on our Renew the Zoo campaign sign. We had to preserve it for posterity. Ironically he had his own agenda this time. Most times he loved to go through naming every last part on the bear face over & over.
95 pounds?
ReplyDeleteI hate you right now.
*kisses* :).
Yay you voted! I hope your line wasn't as bad as mine. I was a little late to work because of it. It was worth it even though my vote won't amount to a hill of beans to the electoral of our RED STATE, friggin' mormon communist bastards! Anyhow, I voted to renew the zoo and Tracie Aviary as well. I loved going to those places as a child. It's been a long time since I've visited the Aviary though. We need to do that soon honey.
ReplyDeleteI honestly watched the whole thing to see if the mysterious eyes were ever identified.
ReplyDeleteGuess I'll have to wait for the sequel ... :)