Sunday, January 4, 2009

Intentions for 2009

New Years Resolutions always seem to be promises of weight loss that are forgotten by February. Since I don't need to lose weight and I'm not a huge fan of purposeful failure, I usually try not to make resolutions. That and I can never seem to think of anything good till well after New Years, at which point I feel like I've missed some sort of deadline. Like my resolution would mean nothing if I wasn't working on it all of the years 365 days.

But I believe in the power of intention, as you may know or might have guessed from a previous election post. So, inspired by a great New Years post written by my online blog buddy OGUN, I've decided to state a few intentions for the next year.

1. I intend to make more eye-contact when conversing with others.

2. I intend to work on my writing project weekly.

3. I intend to work on the constant job of de-cluttering my house weekly.

4. I intend to finish painting our walls.

5. Would it be pushing it to say I intend to get a new fridge? LOL


  1. Intentions sounds so much friendlier than resolutions and easier to manage. I have one on my list that's the same as your #5. I'd love to drop kick our old fridge to the curb, but don't think my size 4 feet can manage it LOL

  2. hey! my first blog i've arrived! :)
